Breaking news: Federal decision rules local municipalities can say NO to oil trains.

This is from:
On Behalf Of Ethan Buckner
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 5:57 PM
Subject: BREAKING:: STB (Surface Transportation Board) has DENIED Valero’s request for a declaratory order!
Hi everyone,


HUGE breaking news right now out of Benicia – the STB just officially denied Valero’s petition on preemption  and closed the case. 


This has massive implications for tonight’s City Council hearings on Valero’s proposed oil trains project in Benicia, and Thursday’s hearings on Phillips 66 oil trains project in San Luis Obispo.


More than anything – this affirms the right of local governments across the country to say NO to oil trains. 


Stay tuned for more on this!


With hope,


Sent a huge group hug and congratulations from San Luis Obispo to Ethan and asked him to please pass it on to Benicia.  If you like we can compose a sign on letter and send them a follow up.

I suppose we could also give the Planning Commission a heads up by sending them the official denial. I am sure it would be a great relief to them and make their decision a lot easier following this ruling. Case closed. wow!

PDF attached and planning commission email address:  Ramona Hedges

Put Planning Commission hearing Sept 22, 2016 in the subject line.

And if you would like to speak on Thursday put item # 3  P66 hearing  on the speakers form.

Oh my it has been quite awhile since we have had such good news to get this excited about.  Wow.



Let’s do it alot!

Newsletter #58 – 09-20-16


favorite-colorDeep breath before we begin.  Ahhhhhh

Transitioning from the record breaking fiery days of summer into the full blown all hands on deck days of hearings, meetings, staff reports on oil trains, oil fields, oak trees, water districts, drought, building moratoriums, housing shortages, Diablo Canyon, climate, climate, climate and Carrizo/solar plant mitigation issues coupled with the marijuana cultivation urgency ordinance Item #21 on today’s BOS agenda and top it all off with the drama, suspense, nail biting, teeth gnashing comedic relief of an election year. Oh yea we have it all. Take your pick.

And the best part of our worst case scenarios is that this community is a magnet for problem solving, caring, loving, vigilant, fearless, tireless hearts and minds.  We live in one of the most beautiful, special places on earth and we know it. That kind of knowledge is power. Oh yea we have it all.

So here we go. First wave of solidarity is beaching ourselves at 9:00 am on Thursday, Sept 22, Planning commission hearing in Board of Supervisors chambers 1055 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408. Subject: oil trains.

Why? Charles Varni I think said it best in a letter to the Tribune and here it is.

County Planning Commission needs to deny rail spur

On Sept. 8, the San Luis Obispo County Planning staff released its report to the Planning Commission for its Sept. 22 hearing on the Phillips 66 oil train terminal project.

The staff is recommending the county deny the project as well as deny Phillips’ request to postpone any decision until March 2017.

In offering this recommendation, the staff is standing strong to protect the health and safety of county citizens, its economies and environments from the dangers of crude oil trains. Their reasoning is based on solid research, objective facts and the environmental impacts of the project.

Many San Luis Obispo County citizens, along with many coastal county boards of supervisors from San Francisco to Los Angeles, are opposed to this project.

We need the planning commissioners to do the same on Sept. 22. We need our citizens to attend this meeting and express their support for the county staff recommendation.

– Charles Varni, Oceano

So there you have it in a nutshell.  Kicking off our show of solidarity on the vernal equinox. That works. And perhaps we could also let our fellow resident commissioners know when they do the right thing for all the right reasons, which is all we are asking them to do and take staff recommendations and Deny this permit, we got their backs. We will stand behind and beside them because that is what we do. We are all in this together and together we see it to the end.

No doubt about it that there is a lot on our plate and when all is said and done we will have this solidarity thing down to a  “T”.

Next up, Oct. 6, County Court house Center for Biological Diversity v DOGGR Demurrer. Making our presence felt.

More to come and see you Thurs. Please share.